Thursday 11 November 2010

Illustration for an Environment - Non Commercial Brief Part 3 - FINISHED YAY.

This is a digital collage of my final design for a jazz mural! I'm really happy with it, though it will look much better painted. Being a digital collage some parts look a bit messed up.. I'm planning to make a large, painted mock up out of wood so I can paint it instead..

Using my amazing photoshop skills, I super imposed my design onto the original location I found at the start of my project. Unfortunately this location in Leeds looks like it's being rebuilt or knocked down or whatever with scaffholding everywhere at the moment!

Illustration for an Environment - Non Commercial Brief Part 2 - JAZZ!

After a slap 'round the face at a tutorial, I got my groove on and started making some mess with paint, ink and love!

I went to see a gypsy jazz band at La Bastille, a french restaurant, as part of my research for this project and just sat there making primary sketches and taking photographs and drinking wine.

I took the rough sketches I'd made here and blew them up to A2..and I wanted to experiment using sponge brushes and here's the result...

and interesting effect but I don't think it fits right with what I have in mind...

I then tried using masking tape to make an outline..

I then painted over it in ink..the masking tape obviously resisted the ink and when it was dry, I peeled it all off to reveal this illustration...

I like this, he looks very content with his accordian! However it is quite time consuming and would probably look naff on a large scale!

Therefore, I've decided to stick with paint as it's the easiest media to use when painting a mural..

I started developing each figure for my mural.

I took inspiration from classic jazz divas such as Nina Simone, Ella Fitzgerald and Billie Holiday, to come up with this final idea.

I felt that giving her a blue skintone would make the image a little more sophisticated, and gave her a costume that made her look slender and elegant.

 I feel like I am more drawn towards the fine art approach in my illustration. I still enjoy messing about with media and I'm getting into working really big! Which is a total change from what I used to do when I worked on the computer a lot. It is more enjoyable this way